The story behind the No Rake Net.

It all started with a challenge.

A typical fall weekend in our home in NE Ohio always consisted of football and soccer. We were usually at one of our kid's games or a pro football game, so it did not allow much time for catching up on yard work. Nobody at our house was a fan of spending every weekend raking leaves. 

Fall was my husband Bob's favorite season due to colors and sports. Bob was a career Firefighter and typically a very handy guy. One of his famous sayings was "work smarter, not harder".

So, one season Bob put a tarp down to catch some of the leaves to drag to the street for community pick-up and it killed the grass. I said, why didn't you use something that was breathable like a net that wouldn't kill the grass? His response was..find me one. I searched online and found that there were no nets or any product for collecting leaves. At that point the idea for No Rake Nets was born!

We decided to revisit finding or inventing a net the following year. Sadly, Bob passed away before the next fall came, he was taken way too early. 

That next fall of 2019, the kids and I worked tirelessly trying out many different types of nets that we could buy or have manufactured.  We figured out what worked and No Rake Nets came to life. 

We know Bob would be so proud of us! We have brought this idea, we came up with as a family, into a product that we and other families can use to efficiently and quickly dispose of the fall leaves.

We hope by using No Rake Nets you get to spend precious time with family and friends rather than raking leaves. 

From our family to yours!
The Schneider Family
